Be on the frontline of health-care service for athletes and the physically active.
成为预防方面的专家, 认识到, managing and rehabilitating injuries that result from physical activity. 擅长预防, 康复, and management of injuries resulting from participation in athletics and physical activity, the athletic trainer is an integral member of the sports medicine team. The athletic trainer works in cooperation with the physicians, 父母, 教练, and administrators to maintain the safety and well-being of athletes and the physically active.
Become a member of the SUAT family and experience our reputation, 严格, outstanding program outcomes and value-added programming!
- First professional MSAT program state of Virginia
- First dual degree DPT/MSAT program in Nation
- Online classes to fully immerse students in clinical experiences
允许将在虚拟课堂中学到的内容立即转化为实践 - Virtual reality and high-fidelity simulation of emergency care scenarios
Ensuring students have first-hand experience managing emergency situations - 完成一个学术顶点项目
Developing students competent in the consumption and dissemination of evidence-based research - 研讨会
The professors go above and beyond to facilitate excellence. They build you up with encouragement while keeping very high standards. 这种责任和灵感的平衡创造了一个允许好奇心的积极环境, 纪律, 以及我们工作的最高质量. 那些参与我们教育的人使这个项目与众不同,值得所有的赞扬和认可.
Joshua Dalton ’23 | 运动训练理学硕士
运动训练理学硕士课程的独特设计为在秋季和春季学期在各种环境下的认证运动教练的直接监督下提供临床现场澳门网上赌博平台, 包括澳门网上赌博平台, 其他附属院校, 附属高中, affiliated professional athletic training room settings and affiliated sports medicine clinics. 作为研究生项目, 运动训练部致力于将临床研究作为专业教育澳门网上赌博平台的一部分. 学生提出, 执行, defend and present a scientific study as a culminating project in the curriculum.
- 独特的临床澳门网上赌博平台,从高中到职业体育和跨越国家从海岸到海岸
- 全球体验式学习机会, 包括在爱尔兰与都柏林城市大学的合作项目,以及成为荒野第一响应者的跨专业机会
- 通过IASTM一级认证
- Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Certification
- 骨科医师扩展员(OPE-C)在铸造和支具方面的培训,并有获得认证的机会
- Additional certificate program options include Performing Arts Medicine and Population 健康
>95% First Time Board Exam (BOC) pass rates last 5 years
100% of graduates employed and/or seeking an additional advanced or professional degree
Diverse employment settings include but are not limited to:
- 中学体育
- 大学澳门线上赌博平台
- 职业体育
- Performing Arts Medicine (The Houston Ballet)
- 工业复兴(特斯拉)
- 运动表现(EXOS)
- 医师设置(INOVA运动医学)
- 公共安全和军事设置
- 高等教育/教学
莫莉·麦克沃伊,19岁,20岁 who earned a 运动训练理学硕士 and a Performing Arts Medicine certificate, 在纽约市哈克尼斯中心担任哈莱姆舞蹈剧院的运动教练. Harkness is known as one of the premier dance medicine facilities in the United States. “表演艺术医学(PAM)证书课程让我走上了最好的道路,为我在这个领域取得真正的成功奠定了基础. 没有支持, SU运动训练和PAM项目理科硕士的严厉的爱和惊人的教学, I wouldn’t have been able to make my dream a reality.”
12年,14年 在获得学士学位后,她继续在澳门网上赌博平台接受运动训练方面的教育. She received her masters which led to her successful career. Lane is the head athletic trainer at Shepherd University. Lane works with staff to provide on-site care for athletes, 处理预防方案, 以及术后康复. Lane thanks the Shenandoah community for her success and tells future students, “如果你有一个想法或激情, 向校园里专攻该领域的人求助,征求他们的建议或指导.”
埃里克·罗兹,13岁 当他接受马里兰大学助理力量和体能教练的职位时,他的梦想变成了现实. “州立大学的棒球项目帮助我培养了领导能力和良好的职业道德,每天都在推动我成为最好的人.”
Stephen Gober, 98年 是路易斯维尔蝙蝠队的首席运动教练,这是辛辛那提红人队的aaa球队. He also use to be an assistant athletic trainer for the Washington Nationals for three years. The faculty and mentors at Shenandoah pushed Gober when he needed it, which served him well. “Take advantage of all the experiences you can while you are there, it’s worth it in the end.”
评估和管理运动员和体力活动者受伤和疾病的紧急护理, 并区分需要转介到紧急服务或其他医疗保健提供者的病例.
Integrate knowledge and clinical psychomotor skills while 解决问题 through an orthopedic examination and making a clinical diagnosis.
在申请中展示自己的能力, 治疗干预的进展和修改,同时管理损伤的运动员和体力活动.
展示对运动损伤和疾病的生物心理社会方面的运动训练师的角色的理解, 以及申请转介的程序.
了解体育教练在中学医疗保健管理中的作用, 大学, 以及基于临床的设置.
Appraise and synthesize the available research evidence, and contribute to the evidence-based practice in the field of athletic training.
课程 | Title | 学分 |
一年级 | ||
AT 501 | Risk Management and Emergency Care for Athletes | 3 |
AT 511 | 预防及防护措施 | 1 |
AT 521 | 人体功能解剖学I | 3 |
AT 523 | 治疗性运动I | 1 |
AT 531 | Examination, Assessment and Diagnosis of the Lower Quarter | 3 |
AT 552 | 治疗模式 | 3 |
秋季一年级 | ||
AT 505 | Evidence-Based Practice in 体育训练 | 1 |
AT 571 | 运动营养 | 3 |
AT 581 | 临床领域澳门网上赌博平台 | 4 |
AT 621 | 人体功能解剖学II | 3 |
第一学年 | ||
AT 504 | Psychological Intervention/Referral in 体育训练 | 3 |
AT 533 | 临床医学 | 3 |
AT 534 | Neurocognitive Assessment and Treatment of Head Injuries | 1 |
AT 653 | 运动训练中的道德/专业精神 | 2 |
AT 582 | 临床实习澳门网上赌博平台二 | 4 |
暑期二年级 | ||
AT 610 | 运动训练及领导力研讨会 | 1 |
AT 624 | 治疗性运动II | 2 |
AT 631 | Examination, Assessment and Diagnosis of the Upper Quarter | 2 |
AT 643 | 高级运动损伤康复 | 3 |
AT 651 | 急诊护理中的临床决策 | 1 |
AT 667 | 顶点项目开发 | 1 |
AT 698 | Imaging, Casting and Bracing of Orthopedic Injuries | 3 |
秋季二年级 | ||
AT 614 | 运动训练中的药理学 | 2 |
AT 668 | 顶点项目开发II | 1 |
AT 670 | 医疗保健管理局 | 2 |
AT 681 | 临床实习澳门网上赌博平台三 | 4 |
AT 774 | 高级研讨会 | 1 |
第二年 | ||
AT 711 | Theories and Practice of Conditioning Athletes | 2 |
AT 682 | 临床现场澳门网上赌博平台IV | 4 |
AT 767 | 运动训练的顶点 | 1 |
选择下列其中一项: | ||
AT 799 | 独立学习 | 2 |
AT 720 | 医疗专业人员WFR | 2 |
HP 550 | 凝胶 | 2 |
Our accomplished and caring faculty serve as mentors beyond the classroom. 作为一个团队, they prepare you to serve as a compassionate athletic trainer, 批判性思考者和道德领袖. 您将受益于小班授课,使教师能够提供个性化的关注,并培养您的学术和专业发展.
The SU athletic training faculty come from a diverse background including research, 表演艺术, 传统环境. This provides an opportunity for students to tailor their experience to meet their career goals. 就我而言, 这些联系和支持为我提供了在专业会议上展示研究的机会, develop manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication, and network with other professionals in the field. 他们支持学生的意愿进一步体现在为我提供了一个在国内试行第一个双学位运动训练硕士和公共卫生硕士项目的机会!
Cade Watts ’23 | 运动训练理学硕士/公共卫生硕士
Pre-Requisites For Master Of Science In 体育训练
课程 | 学分 |
普通生物学及实验室 | 4 |
普通化学带实验室 | 4 |
人体解剖学与实验室* | 4 |
人体生理学与实验室* | 4 |
必修一门带实验的物理课程. 推荐两个学期的课程 | 4-8 |
统计数据 | 3 |
社会和行为科学 | 3 |
心理学 | 3 |
Pick one: Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Physics II | 4 |
总计 | 32-37 |
* When anatomy and physiology are taken as a combined course, two semesters are necessary to meet this requirement.